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the book has to do with archaeology

  • 1 have

    have [hæv]
    verbe auxiliaire1 avoir1, 2A (a)-(c), 2B (b)-(e), 2C (a), 2C (b), 2F (a), 2F (d), 2F (h), 2F (i) être1 posséder2A (a) disposer de2A (b) prendre2B (c) passer2B (d) recevoir2C (a), 2C (b) vouloir2C (c), 2F (f) tenir2D (a) faire faire2E (b), 2E (c) placer2F (b) devoir2G (a), 2G (b) concerner2G (c)
    ⓘ GRAM Les formes négatives, haven't et hasn't, s'écrivent have not and has not dans un style plus soutenu.
    ⓘ GRAM Most French verbs will conjugate with avoir to form the perfect tense. However, all reflexive verbs and many intransitive verbs - mainly of motion - will conjugate with être.
    (3rd pers sing pres has [hæz], pt & pp had [hæd])
    to have finished avoir fini;
    to have left être parti;
    to have sat down s'être assis;
    to have been/had avoir été/eu;
    has she slept? a-t-elle dormi?;
    have they arrived? sont-ils arrivés?;
    he has been ill il a été malade;
    when you've calmed down quand vous vous serez calmé;
    I will have forgotten by next week j'aurai oublié d'ici la semaine prochaine;
    the children will have gone to bed by the time we arrive les enfants seront couchés quand nous arriverons;
    you were silly not to have accepted tu es bête de ne pas avoir accepté;
    after or when you have finished, you may leave quand vous aurez fini, vous pourrez partir;
    she was ashamed of having lied elle avait honte d'avoir menti;
    she felt she couldn't change her mind, having already agreed to go elle sentait qu'elle ne pouvait pas changer d'avis, étant donné qu'elle avait dit être d'accord pour y aller;
    I have been thinking j'ai réfléchi;
    he has been working here for two months il travaille ici depuis deux mois, il y a deux mois qu'il travaille ici;
    I have known her for three years/since childhood je la connais depuis trois ans/depuis mon enfance;
    I had known her for years cela faisait des années que je la connaissais, je la connaissais depuis des années;
    she claimed she hadn't heard the news elle a prétendu ne pas avoir entendu la nouvelle;
    I had already gone to bed when he arrived j'étais déjà couché quand il est arrivé;
    we had gone to bed early nous nous étions couchés de bonne heure;
    when he had given his speech, I left une fois qu'il eut terminé son discours, je partis;
    had I known, I wouldn't have insisted si j'avais su, je n'aurais pas insisté;
    if I had known, I wouldn't have said anything si j'avais su, je n'aurais rien dit;
    they would have been happy if it hadn't been for the war ils auraient vécu heureux si la guerre n'était pas survenue;
    why don't you just leave him and have done with it? pourquoi donc est-ce que vous ne le quittez pas, pour en finir?;
    I'd as soon not j'aimerais mieux pas;
    he'd rather or sooner stay at home than go out dancing il aimerait mieux rester ou il préférerait rester à la maison qu'aller danser;
    familiar he's had it (is in trouble) il est fichu ou foutu; (is worn out) il est à bout;
    familiar I've had it with all your complaining! j'en ai jusque-là de tes jérémiades!;
    familiar I've had it up to here with him j'en ai jusque-là de ce type-là;
    familiar the car has just about had it la voiture va bientôt rendre l'âme;
    familiar this plant has had it cette plante est fichue
    have you ever had the measles? - yes, I have/no, I haven't avez-vous eu la rougeole? - oui/non;
    she hasn't finished - yes, she has! elle n'a pas fini - (mais) si!;
    you've forgotten his birthday - no, I haven't! tu as oublié son anniversaire - mais non!;
    have you ever considered going into politics? if you have.../if you haven't… avez-vous déjà envisagé de rentrer dans la vie politique? si oui…/si non…;
    you've forgotten your gloves - so I have! vous avez oublié vos gants - en effet! ou tiens, c'est vrai!
    you've read 'Hamlet', haven't you? vous avez lu 'Hamlet', n'est-ce pas?;
    he hasn't arrived, has he? il n'est pas arrivé, si?;
    so she's got a new job, has she? elle a changé de travail alors?
    (a) (be in possession of, own) avoir, posséder;
    do you have or have you got a car? avez-vous une voiture?;
    they have (got) a lot of friends/money ils ont beaucoup d'amis/d'argent;
    they don't have or they haven't got any more ils n'en ont plus;
    she shares everything she has (got) with them elle partage tout ce qu'elle a avec eux;
    he has (got) £10 left il lui reste 10 livres;
    we have (got) six of them left il nous en reste six;
    do you have or have you got any children? if you have... avez-vous des enfants? si vous en avez ou si oui...;
    they have (got) a 50 percent interest in the business ils ont ou détiennent 50 pour cent des intérêts dans l'affaire;
    I have (got) a lot of work to finish j'ai beaucoup de travail à finir;
    do we have or have we got any milk in the house? est-ce qu'on a du lait ou est-ce qu'il y a du lait à la maison?;
    she has (got) a baker's shop/bookshop elle tient une boulangerie/librairie;
    do you have or have you got the time? avez-vous l'heure?;
    he doesn't have or hasn't got a job il n'a pas de travail, il est sans travail;
    we have (got) a deadline to meet nous avons un délai à respecter;
    I've got it! ça y est, j'ai trouvé ou j'y suis!;
    paper, envelopes and what have you du papier, des enveloppes et je ne sais quoi encore;
    proverb you can't have your cake and eat it on ne peut pas avoir le beurre et l'argent du beurre;
    familiar give it all you have or all you've got! mets-y le paquet!
    (b) (enjoy the use of) avoir, disposer de;
    we had a couple of hours to do our errands nous disposions de ou nous avions quelques heures pour faire nos courses;
    I don't have time or I haven't got time to stop for lunch je n'ai pas le temps de m'arrêter pour déjeuner;
    he has (got) a month to finish il a un mois pour finir;
    he hasn't (got) long to live il ne lui reste pas longtemps à vivre;
    do you have or have you (got) a minute (to spare)? tu as une minute?;
    she had the house to herself elle avait la maison pour elle toute seule;
    such questions have an important place in our lives ce genre de questions occupe une place importante dans notre vie;
    he has (got) nothing to do/to read il n'a rien à faire/à lire
    she has (got) red hair elle a les cheveux roux, elle est rousse;
    you have (got) beautiful eyes tu as de beaux yeux;
    the ticket has (got) a name on it il y a un nom sur le billet;
    to have good taste avoir bon goût;
    to have a bad temper avoir mauvais caractère;
    she has (got) a reputation for being difficult elle a la réputation d'être difficile;
    the house has (got) a beautiful view of the mountains de la maison, on a une belle vue sur les montagnes;
    she has (got) what it takes or she has it in her to succeed elle a ce qu'il faut pour réussir;
    you've never had it so good! vous n'avez jamais eu la vie si belle!;
    familiar he really has it bad for Emma il a complètement craqué pour Emma
    do you have or have you got any experience of teaching? avez-vous déjà enseigné?;
    she has (got) a clear sense of what matters elle sait très bien ce qui est important;
    he has some Greek and Latin il connaît un peu le grec et le latin;
    I have a little Spanish je parle un peu espagnol
    to have a dream/nightmare faire un rêve/cauchemar;
    I have no regrets je n'ai aucun regret ou pas de regrets;
    I didn't have any trouble in finding it je n'ai eu aucune peine à le trouver;
    we have (got) nothing or we don't have anything against dogs on n'a rien contre les chiens;
    I've had my appendix out je me suis fait opérer de l'appendicite;
    he had all his money stolen il s'est fait voler ou on lui a volé tout son argent;
    I love having my back rubbed j'adore qu'on me frotte le dos;
    they had some strange things happen to them il leur est arrivé de drôles de choses
    (b) (be infected with, suffer from) avoir;
    to have a cold avoir un rhume, être enrhumé;
    do you have or have you got a headache? avez-vous mal à la tête?;
    he has (got) problems with his back il a des problèmes de dos
    (c) (perform, take part in → bath, lesson) prendre; (→ meeting) avoir;
    we had our first argument last night nous nous sommes disputés hier soir pour la première fois;
    to have a stroll se promener, faire un tour;
    I want to have a think about it je veux y réfléchir;
    to have a party (organize) organiser une fête; (celebrate) faire la fête;
    I'll have no part in it je refuse de m'en mêler
    (d) (pass, spend) passer, avoir;
    I had a horrible day at work j'ai passé une journée atroce au travail;
    have a nice day! bonne journée!;
    to have a good time s'amuser;
    did you have a good time? c'était bien?, tu t'es bien amusé?;
    a good time was had by all tout le monde s'est bien amusé;
    she's had a hard time of it lately elle vient de traverser une mauvaise passe
    (e) (exhibit, show) avoir, montrer;
    have mercy on us! ayez pitié de nous!;
    he had the nerve to refuse il a eu le culot de refuser;
    he didn't even have the decency to apologize il n'a même pas eu la décence de s'excuser
    (a) (obtain, receive) avoir, recevoir;
    I'd like him to have this picture j'aimerais lui donner cette photo;
    I'd like to have your advice on something j'aimerais que vous me donniez un conseil à propos de quelque chose;
    we had a phone call from the mayor nous avons reçu ou eu un coup de fil du maire;
    they've still had no news of the lost plane ils n'ont toujours pas de nouvelles de l'avion (qui a) disparu;
    I have it on good authority je le tiens de bonne source;
    I must have your answer by tomorrow il me faut votre réponse pour demain;
    let me have your answer by next week donnez-moi votre réponse avant la semaine prochaine;
    let me have your keys donne-moi tes clefs;
    let me have the book back when you've finished rends-moi le livre quand tu auras fini;
    she let them have the wardrobe for £300 elle leur a laissé ou cédé l'armoire pour 300 livres;
    there are plenty of flats to be had il y a plein d'appartements;
    familiar I let him have it (attacked him) je lui ai réglé son compte; (told him off) je lui ai passé un savon;
    familiar you had it coming! tu ne l'as pas volé!
    (b) (invite) recevoir, avoir;
    she's having some people (over) for or to dinner elle reçoit ou elle a du monde à dîner;
    let's have him round for a drink et si on l'invitait à prendre un pot?;
    did you have any visitors? avez-vous eu de la visite?;
    after the movie we had them back for coffee après le cinéma, nous les avons invités à venir prendre le café chez nous
    (c) (accept, take) vouloir;
    he'd like to marry but nobody will have him! il aimerait se marier mais personne ne veut de lui!;
    do what you want, I'm having nothing more to do with your schemes fais ce que tu veux, je ne veux plus être mêlé à tes combines
    (a) (clutch) tenir;
    to have sb in one's power avoir qn en son pouvoir;
    the teacher had (got) him by the arm/the ear le maître le tenait par le bras/l'oreille;
    he had (got) his assailant by the throat il tenait son agresseur à la gorge
    you have me there! là vous me tenez!;
    I have (got) you right where I want you now! je vous tiens!;
    Sport the Bears have it! les Bears ont gagné!
    (c) (bewilder, perplex)
    who won? - you've got me there qui a gagné? - là, tu me poses une colle
    the news had me worried la nouvelle m'a inquiété;
    I'll have this light fixed in a minute j'en ai pour une minute à réparer cette lampe;
    we'll have everything ready tout sera prêt
    (b) (with past participle) (cause to be done) to have sth done faire faire qch;
    I had my hair cut je me suis fait couper les cheveux;
    we must have the curtains cleaned nous devons faire nettoyer les rideaux ou donner les rideaux à nettoyer;
    three houses had their windows shattered trois maisons ont eu leurs fenêtres brisées;
    she had coffee brought up to the room elle a fait monter du café dans la chambre;
    I had my watch stolen je me suis fait voler ma montre
    (c) (with infinitive) (cause to do) to have sb do sth faire faire qch à qn;
    she had him invite all the neighbours round elle lui a fait inviter tous les voisins;
    have them come in faites-les entrer;
    the boss had him up to his office le patron l'a convoqué dans son bureau;
    he soon had them all laughing il eut tôt fait de les faire tous rire;
    I had the children go to bed early j'ai couché les enfants de bonne heure;
    as he would have us believe comme il voudrait nous le faire croire
    (a) (consume → food, meal) avoir, prendre;
    we were having lunch nous étions en train de déjeuner;
    we're having dinner out tonight nous sortons dîner ce soir;
    to have breakfast in bed prendre le petit déjeuner au lit;
    would you like to have coffee? voulez-vous (prendre) un café?;
    do you have coffee or tea in the morning? prenez-vous du café ou du thé le matin?;
    I had tea with her j'ai pris le thé avec elle;
    we stopped and had a drink nous nous sommes arrêtés pour boire quelque chose;
    what will you have? - I'll have the lamb (in restaurant) qu'est-ce que vous prenez? - je vais prendre de l'agneau;
    we had fish for dinner nous avons mangé ou eu du poisson au dîner;
    he always has a cigarette after dinner il fume toujours une cigarette après le dîner;
    will you have a cigarette? voulez-vous une cigarette?
    (b) (indicating location, position) placer, mettre;
    we'll have the wardrobe here and the table in there nous mettrons l'armoire ici et la table par là;
    she had her arm around his shoulders elle avait mis le bras autour de ses épaules;
    I had my back to the window je tournais le dos à la fenêtre;
    he had his head down il avait la tête baissée
    she had her mother with her sa mère était avec elle;
    I can't talk right now, I have someone with me je ne peux pas parler, je ne suis pas seul ou je suis avec quelqu'un
    she's had a baby elle a eu un bébé;
    she had her baby last week elle a accouché la semaine dernière;
    she's going to have a baby elle attend ou elle va avoir un bébé;
    he's had three children by her il a eu trois enfants d'elle;
    our dog has just had puppies notre chien vient d'avoir des petits
    (e) (assert, claim) soutenir, maintenir;
    public opinion has it that he is not telling the truth on pense généralement qu'il ne dit pas la vérité;
    rumour has it that they're married le bruit court qu'ils sont mariés;
    as the government would have it comme dirait le gouvernement;
    as Plato has it comme dit Platon, comme l'a écrit Platon
    (f) (with "will" or "would") (wish for) vouloir;
    what would you have me do? que voudriez-vous que je fasse?;
    I'll have you know I have a degree in French je vous fais remarquer que j'ai une licence de français
    (g) (in negative) (allow, permit) I will not have him in my house! il ne mettra pas les pieds chez moi!;
    I won't have it! ça ne va pas se passer comme ça!;
    we can't have you sleeping on the floor nous ne pouvons pas vous laisser dormir par terre;
    familiar we tried to give the dog a bath but he wasn't having any of it! nous avons essayé de donner un bain au chien, mais rien n'y a fait!;
    familiar I'm not having any of your nonsense pas de bêtises
    (h) (in passive) familiar (cheat, outwit) avoir;
    you've been had! tu t'es fait avoir!
    (a) (with infinitive) (indicating obligation) to have (got) to do sth devoir faire qch, être obligé de faire qch;
    do you have to or have you got to leave so soon? êtes-vous obligé de partir ou faut-il que vous partiez si tôt?;
    I have (got) to go to the meeting il faut que j'aille ou je dois aller ou je suis obligé d'aller à la réunion;
    don't you have to or haven't you got to phone the office? est-ce que tu ne dois pas appeler le bureau?;
    he'll do it if he's got to il le fera s'il est obligé de le faire;
    you don't have to or you haven't got to go tu n'es pas obligé d'y aller;
    we had to take physics at school nous étions obligés de suivre des cours de physique à l'école;
    she had to take a blood test elle a été obligée de ou elle a dû faire un examen sanguin;
    I hate having to get up early j'ai horreur de devoir me lever tôt;
    I won't apologize - you have to je ne m'excuserai pas - il le faut;
    you've got to be joking! vous plaisantez!, c'est une plaisanterie!;
    you didn't have to tell your father what happened! tu n'avais pas besoin d'aller dire à ton père ce qui s'est passé!;
    ironic the train WOULD have to be late today of all days! il fallait que le train soit en retard aujourd'hui!;
    familiar that has (got) to be the stupidest idea I've ever heard! ça doit être l'idée la plus idiote que j'aie jamais entendue!
    (b) (with infinitive) (indicating necessity) devoir;
    you have (got) to get some rest il faut que vous vous reposiez, vous devez vous reposer;
    I'll have to think about it il va falloir que j'y réfléchisse;
    I have (got) to know il faut que je le sache;
    we have to be careful about what we say on doit faire attention ou il faut qu'on fasse attention à ce qu'on dit;
    some problems still have to or have still got to be worked out il reste encore des problèmes à résoudre;
    if you finish the report this evening you won't have to come in to work tomorrow si vous finissez le rapport ce soir, vous n'aurez pas besoin de venir travailler demain;
    first the potatoes have (got) to be washed il faut d'abord laver les pommes de terre;
    I don't like housework but it has (got) to be done je n'aime pas faire le ménage mais il faut bien que quelqu'un le fasse;
    the plumbing has (got) to be redone la plomberie a besoin d'être refaite;
    you'd have to be deaf not to hear that noise il faudrait être sourd pour ne pas entendre ce bruit;
    do you have to turn the music up so loud? vous ne pourriez pas baisser un peu la musique?
    (c) (with "to do") (idioms) the book has to do with archaeology ce livre traite de l'archéologie;
    their argument had to do with money ils se disputaient à propos d'argent;
    this has nothing to do with you ça ne te concerne ou regarde pas;
    I'll have nothing more to do with her je ne veux plus avoir affaire à elle;
    they had nothing to do with her being fired ils n'avaient rien à voir avec son licenciement
    the haves les riches mpl, les nantis mpl;
    the haves and the have-nots les riches mpl et les pauvres mpl, les nantis mpl et les démunis mpl
    (keep available) garder ou avoir sous la main;
    I have the documents around somewhere les documents sont là quelque part, j'ai les documents quelque part;
    she's a useful person to have around il est bon de l'avoir sous la main;
    I don't like having children around je n'aime pas la compagnie des enfants
    British Fencing attaquer
    to have it away (with sb) s'envoyer en l'air (avec qn)
    (invite from upstairs, the north) inviter;
    we're having his family down for the weekend sa famille vient passer le week-end chez nous
    (a) (cause to enter) faire entrer;
    she had him in for a chat elle l'a fait entrer pour discuter
    to have friends in for a drink inviter des amis à prendre un pot
    (c) (doctor, workman) faire venir;
    we had to have the doctor in nous avons dû faire venir le médecin;
    they've got workmen in at the moment ils ont des ouvriers en ce moment
    to have it in for sb avoir une dent contre qn;
    they had it in for me from the day I arrived ils en ont eu après moi dès mon arrivée
    (a) (remove) retirer;
    the barber nearly had my ear off le coiffeur a failli me couper l'oreille
    (b) (have removed) faire retirer;
    she's having the plaster off next week on lui retire son plâtre la semaine prochaine
    to have it off (with sb) s'envoyer en l'air (avec qn)
    (a) (wear) porter;
    what does she have on? qu'est-ce qu'elle porte?, comment est-elle habillée?;
    she had her black dress on elle avait ou portait sa robe noire;
    the child had nothing on l'enfant était tout nu
    (b) (radio, television)
    have you got the radio on? avez-vous allumé la radio?, est-ce que la radio est allumée?;
    he has the radio/television on all night sa radio/sa télévision est allumée toute la nuit
    (c) (commitment, engagement)
    we have a lot on today nous avons beaucoup à faire aujourd'hui;
    do you have anything on for tonight? avez-vous des projets pour ou êtes-vous pris ce soir?;
    I have nothing on for the weekend je n'ai rien de prévu ce week-end
    (d) British familiar (tease, trick) faire marcher;
    you're having me on! tu me fais marcher!;
    I was only having you on c'était juste pour te faire marcher
    they have nothing on me ils n'ont aucune preuve contre moi;
    the police have nothing on him la police n'a rien sur lui
    (a) (tooth) se faire arracher
    to have it out with sb s'expliquer avec qn;
    she had it or the matter or the whole thing out with him elle a eu une longue explication avec lui;
    let's have this out once and for all mettons les choses au point une fois pour toutes
    (invite) inviter
    I'll have you up for blackmail je vais vous poursuivre (en justice) pour chantage;
    they were had up by the police for vandalism ils ont été arrêtés pour vandalisme;
    he was had up (before the court) for breaking and entering il a comparu (devant le tribunal) pour effraction
    (b) (invite from downstairs, the south) inviter;
    he had them up (to his flat) for tea il les a invités à venir prendre le thé;
    we're having them up from London for the weekend il sont venus nous voir de Londres pour le week-end
    ✾ Film 'To Have and Have Not' Hawks 'Le Port de l'angoisse'

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > have

  • 2 biblioteca

    1 library (lugar, conjunto de libros).
    biblioteca ambulante/pública mobile/public library
    biblioteca de préstamo lending library
    2 bookcase (forniture).
    * * *
    1 library
    2 (mueble) bookcase, bookshelf
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=edificio) library

    biblioteca ambulante — mobile library, bookmobile (EEUU)

    biblioteca circulante[de préstamo] lending library; [ambulante] circulating library

    2) (=mueble) bookcase, bookshelves pl
    * * *
    a) (institución, lugar) library

    biblioteca pública/de consulta — public/reference library

    b) ( colección) book collection
    c) ( mueble) bookshelves (pl), bookcase
    * * *
    = library, document collection.
    Ex. A library is no longer constrained to choose either a classified or a dictionary catalogue.
    Ex. Finally, the tacit assumption so far has been that we are dealing with a single document collection.
    * actuar en defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y bibliot = library advocacy.
    * alfabetización en el uso de la biblioteca = library literacy.
    * amante de la biblioteca = library lover.
    * Amigos de la Biblioteca = Friends of the Library.
    * ampliación de la biblioteca = library extension.
    * ansiedad provocada por la biblioteca = library anxiety.
    * ARL (Asociación de Bibliotecas de Investigación) = ARL (Association of Research Libraries).
    * asesor técnico de bibliotecas = library consultant.
    * asesor técnico en construcción de bibliotecas = library building consultant.
    * Asociación Americana de Bibliotecas de Teología = American Theological Library Association (ATLA).
    * Asociación de Bibliotecas Especializadas = Special Libraries Association (SLA).
    * automatización de bibliotecas = library automation.
    * auxiliar de biblioteca = library assistant, library technician, page, library aide, library orderly.
    * ayudante de biblioteca = assistant librarian.
    * basado en la biblioteca = library-based.
    * biblioteca académica = academic library.
    * biblioteca arzobispal = archiepiscopal library.
    * biblioteca asociada = affiliated library.
    * biblioteca biomédica = biomedical library.
    * biblioteca Bodliana, la = Bodleian, the.
    * Biblioteca Británica = British Library (BL).
    * biblioteca central = central library, main library.
    * biblioteca cibernética = cyberlibrary [cyber-library].
    * biblioteca como edificio = library building.
    * biblioteca comunitaria = community library.
    * biblioteca con préstamos interbibliotecarios netos = net-lender, net-borrower.
    * biblioteca con un solo bibliotecario = one person library.
    * biblioteca de acceso restringido = closed-stack library.
    * biblioteca de agricultura = agricultural library.
    * Biblioteca de Alejandría, la = Alexandria Library, the.
    * biblioteca de alquiler = rental library.
    * biblioteca de arqueología = archaeology library.
    * biblioteca de arte = art library.
    * biblioteca de asociación = society's library.
    * biblioteca de barco = shipboard library, ship library.
    * biblioteca de barrio = district library, community library.
    * biblioteca de biomedicina = health care library, biomedical library.
    * biblioteca de botánica = botany library.
    * biblioteca de campo de concentración = concentration camp library.
    * biblioteca de catedral = cathedral library.
    * biblioteca de centro penitenciario = prison library.
    * biblioteca de ciencias = science library.
    * biblioteca de ciencias de la salud = health sciences library, health library.
    * biblioteca de condado = county library.
    * biblioteca de conservatorio = conservatoire library.
    * biblioteca de copyright = copyright library.
    * biblioteca de departamento = department library.
    * biblioteca de depósito = deposit library.
    * biblioteca de depósito legal = copyright library, depository library.
    * biblioteca de derecho = law library.
    * biblioteca de diplomatura = undergraduate library.
    * biblioteca de distrito = district library.
    * biblioteca de empresa = commercial library, industrial library, corporate library, company library, business library.
    * biblioteca de farmacia = pharmaceutical library.
    * biblioteca de hospital = patient library, hospital library.
    * biblioteca de hospital clínico = teaching hospital library.
    * biblioteca de institución de enseñanza superior = tertiary library.
    * biblioteca de investigación = research library.
    * biblioteca de jardín de infancia = kindergarten library.
    * biblioteca de juzgado = court library.
    * biblioteca de la comunidad = community library.
    * biblioteca de la zona ártica = arctic library.
    * Biblioteca del Congreso (LC) = Library of Congress (LC).
    * biblioteca de libre acceso = open access library.
    * Biblioteca del Museo Británico = British Museum Library.
    * Biblioteca del Vaticano, la = Vatican Library, the.
    * biblioteca de medicina = medical library.
    * biblioteca de mezquita = mosque library.
    * biblioteca de minoría étnica = ethnic library.
    * biblioteca de misión = mission library.
    * biblioteca de música = music library.
    * biblioteca de pacientes = patient library.
    * biblioteca de parlamento = parliamentary library.
    * biblioteca departamental = departmental library.
    * biblioteca de periódico = news library.
    * biblioteca de préstamo = lending library, circulating library, circulation library.
    * biblioteca de prisión = prison library.
    * biblioteca de recursos = resource library.
    * biblioteca de referencia = reference library.
    * biblioteca de sindicato = trade union library, union library.
    * biblioteca de suscripción = subscription library.
    * biblioteca de universidad politécnica = polytechnic library.
    * biblioteca de vestuario = costume library.
    * biblioteca de veterinaria = veterinary library.
    * biblioteca de zona rural = rural library.
    * biblioteca digital = digital library (DL).
    * biblioteca ducal = ducal library.
    * biblioteca eclesiástica = ecclesiastical library, church library.
    * biblioteca electrónica = electronic library (e-library), library without walls.
    * biblioteca en red = network library.
    * biblioteca escolar = school library.
    * biblioteca especializada = special library, specialised library, specialist library.
    * biblioteca especializada en música = music library.
    * biblioteca especializada en temas polares = polar library.
    * biblioteca estatal = state library.
    * biblioteca física = physical library, brick and mortar library.
    * biblioteca general = central library, general library.
    * biblioteca gestionada por microordenador = microlibrary.
    * biblioteca gubernamental = government library.
    * biblioteca hermana = sister library.
    * biblioteca híbrida = hybrid library, brick and click library.
    * biblioteca industrial = factory library.
    * biblioteca infantil = children's library.
    * biblioteca juvenil = junior library.
    * biblioteca local = local library, home library.
    * biblioteca mantenida por las donaciones de una fundación = donor-endowed library.
    * biblioteca metropolitana = metropolitan library.
    * biblioteca miembro de una cooperativa = member library.
    * biblioteca ministerial = ministerial library.
    * biblioteca monástica = monastic library.
    * biblioteca móvil = bookmobile, mobile library, mobile.
    * biblioteca móvil en trailer = trailer library.
    * biblioteca multimedia = multimedia library.
    * biblioteca municipal = town library, city library, municipal library, urban library, community library.
    * biblioteca nacional = national library.
    * Biblioteca Nacional Central = National Central Library.
    * Biblioteca Nacional de Agricultura (NAL) = National Agricultural Library (NAL).
    * Biblioteca Nacional de Alemania = Deutsche Bibliothek.
    * Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina (NLM) = National Library of Medicine (NLM).
    * Biblioteca Nacional de Préstamo para la Ciencia y Tecnología (NLL) = National Lending Library for Science and Technology (NLL).
    * Biblioteca Nacional Francesa = Bibliotheque Nationale.
    * biblioteca para ciegos = library for the blind.
    * biblioteca para pacientes = hospital patient library, patients' library.
    * biblioteca parroquial = parochial library, parish library.
    * biblioteca personal = personal library, home collection, personal collection, home library.
    * biblioteca popular = popular library.
    * biblioteca presidencial = presidential library, presidential archive.
    * biblioteca principal = main library.
    * biblioteca privada = private library.
    * biblioteca provincial = provincial library centre.
    * biblioteca pública = public library, public library service.
    * Biblioteca Pública de Nueva York (NYPL) = NYPL (New York Public Library).
    * biblioteca pública municipal = municipal public library.
    * biblioteca pública provincial = provincial public library.
    * biblioteca quiosco = kiosk library.
    * biblioteca regional = regional library.
    * biblioteca religiosa = religious library.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca de agricultura = agricultural librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca de arte = art librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca de barrio = district librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca de derecho = law librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca de hospital = hospital librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca especializada = special librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca móvil = mobile librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca pública = public librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca sucursal = branch librarian.
    * biblioteca rural = rural library.
    * biblioteca sanitaria = health library.
    * biblioteca sin muros = library without walls.
    * biblioteca sin paredes = library without walls.
    * biblioteca sucursal = library branch, branch library, branch collection, library outlet.
    * biblioteca técnica = technical library.
    * biblioteca tradicional = brick and mortar library.
    * biblioteca tradicional y virtual = brick and click library.
    * biblioteca traditional = physical library.
    * biblioteca universitaria = college library, university library, research library.
    * biblioteca virtual = virtual library.
    * biblioteconomía especializada en las bibliotecas académica = college librarianship.
    * biblioteconomía especializada en las bibliotecas de investigación = research librianship.
    * biblioteconomía especializada en las bibliotecas universitarias = academic librarianship.
    * biblioteconomía para las bibliotecas de derecho = law librarianship.
    * biblioteconomía para las bibliotecas especializadas = special librarianship.
    * BLAISE (Servicio de Información Automatizada de la Biblioteca Británica) = BLAISE (British Library Automated Information Service).
    * carnet de biblioteca = library card.
    * catálogo de biblioteca = library catalogue.
    * Centro de Distribución de Documentos de la Biblioteca Británica (BLDSC) = British Library Document Supply Centre (BLDSC).
    * Coalición Internacional de Consorcios de Bibliotecas (ICOLC) = International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC).
    * colección de la biblioteca = library collection [library's collection].
    * colección de una biblioteca = local holding.
    * comisión de biblioteca = library board, library committee.
    * con conocimiento básico en el uso de la biblioteca = library literate [library-literate].
    * Conferencia de Directores de Bibliotecas Nacionales (CDNL) = Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL).
    * conocimientos básicos sobre el uso de las bibliotecas = library skills.
    * consejo de administración de la biblioteca = library trustees.
    * consorcio de bibliotecas = library consortium.
    * cooperativa de bibliotecas = library cooperative.
    * datos estadísticos de la biblioteca = library records, library statistics.
    * defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y bibliotecarios = library advocacy.
    * destreza en la búsqueda de información en una biblioteca = library research skills.
    * dirección de la biblioteca = library administrators.
    * dirección de la biblioteca, la = library administration, the.
    * director de biblioteca = library director.
    * director de la biblioteca = head librarian.
    * División de Préstamo de la Biblioteca Británica (BLLD) = British Library Lending Division (BLLD).
    * División de Servicios Bibliográficos de la Biblioteca Británica (BLBSD) = British Library Bibliographic Services Division (BLBSD).
    * dotación económica de las bibliotecas = library funding.
    * dotar de fondos a una biblioteca = stock + library.
    * edición para bibliotecas = library edition.
    * eficacia de la biblioteca = library goodness.
    * encontrar trabajo en una biblioteca = join + library.
    * encuadernación de biblioteca = library binding.
    * encuadernador de la biblioteca = library binder.
    * encuentro de bibliotecas móviles = mobile meet.
    * entre varias bibliotecas = cross-library.
    * especialista en bibliotecas = library specialist.
    * especialización en bibliotecas de prisiones = prison librarianship.
    * específico a la biblioteca = library-specific.
    * específico de la biblioteca = library-specific.
    * estadísticas de la biblioteca = library statistics.
    * estudio de usuarios de la biblioteca = library user study.
    * experiencia en bibliotecas = library experience.
    * facultativos de bibliotecas = library faculty.
    * feria de la biblioteca = library fair.
    * fondos de la biblioteca = library's stock, library materials.
    * formación en el uso de la biblioteca = library literacy.
    * función de la biblioteca = library's function.
    * gestión de la biblioteca = library management.
    * guía de biblioteca = library guide, library guiding.
    * hacerse socio de la biblioteca = join + library.
    * hecho por la propia biblioteca = in-house [inhouse].
    * hermanamiento de bibliotecas = library twinning.
    * historia de las bibliotecas = library history.
    * IFLA (Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Bibliotecarios y Bibliotec = IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions).
    * imagen de la biblioteca = library's profile.
    * información de existencias por bibliotecas = local holdings information.
    * jefe de personal de la biblioteca = library personnel officer.
    * La Biblioteca Responde = Ask the Library.
    * la Biblioteca y el Archivo de Canadá = Library and Archives Canada.
    * LCCN (Notación de la Clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCCN (Library of Congress Classification Number).
    * LCSH (Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCSH (Library of Congress List of Subject Headings).
    * lector de una biblioteca = library user.
    * legislación sobre bibliotecas = library law.
    * ley de bibliotecas = library law.
    * ley de bibliotecas, la = library act, the.
    * libro de la biblioteca = library book.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas Escolar = SLA List.
    * LRTS (Servicios Técnicos y de Recursos para la Biblioteca) = LRTS (Library Resources and Technical Services).
    * mapa de la biblioteca = library map.
    * MARC de la Biblioteca del Congreso = LC MARC.
    * Matica Slovenca (Biblioteca Nacional de Yugoslavia) = Matica Slovenska.
    * misión de la biblioteca = library's mission.
    * mundo de las bibliotecas, el = library world, the.
    * ordenanza de biblioteca = page.
    * organismo gestor de bibliotecas = library authority.
    * órgano encargado de bibliotecas = library authority.
    * perfil de la biblioteca = library profile.
    * personal de la biblioteca = library staff, library worker.
    * persona que utiliza la biblioteca = non-library user.
    * pertinente a las bibliotecas = library-related.
    * política de la biblioteca = library's policy.
    * prioridad de la biblioteca = library's priority.
    * profesional de la biblioteca = library professional.
    * profesional de las bibliotecas y la información = library and information professional.
    * profesionales de las bibliotecas y la información, los = library and information profession, the.
    * profesor encargado de la biblioteca = teacher-librarian.
    * programa de introducción a la biblioteca = library training programme.
    * programa integrado de gestión de bibliotecas = integrated library system (ILS), integrated library management system (ILMS).
    * programas de automatización de bibliotecas = library automation software.
    * proveedor de bibliotecas = library supplier.
    * Proyecto Cooperativo de Mecanización de las Bibliotecas de Birmingham (BLCMP = Birminghan Libraries Cooperative Mechanisation Project (BLCMP).
    * quiosco biblioteca = library kiosk.
    * ratón de biblioteca = bookish, bookworm.
    * red cooperativa de bibliotecas = cooperative network.
    * red de bibliotecas = library network, library system, library networking.
    * Red Informativa de las Bibliotecas de Investigación en USA = RLIN.
    * Reglas de Intercalación de la Biblioteca del Congreso = Library of Congress Filing Rules.
    * relacionado con las bibliotecas = library-related.
    * responsable de bibliotecas = library official.
    * responsable de la biblioteca = library manager.
    * responsable del personal de la biblioteca = library personnel officer.
    * reunión de bibliotecas móviles = mobilemeet.
    * RLG (Grupo de Bibliotecas de Investigación) = RLG (Research Libraries Group).
    * SCONUL (Sociedad de Bibliotecas Nacionales y Universitarias) = SCONUL (Society of College, National and University Libraries).
    * sección de la biblioteca = library section.
    * sello de la biblioteca = library stamp.
    * ser lector de una biblioteca = library membership.
    * sistema automatizado de bibliotecas = automated library information system, library computer system.
    * sistema bibliotecario de bibliotecas de un sólo tipo = single-type library system.
    * sistema bibliotecario de bibliotecas de varios tipos = multitype library system.
    * sistema de automatización de bibliotecas = library automation system.
    * sistema de bibliotecas públicas = public library system.
    * sistema de clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso = LCC (Library of Congress Classification).
    * subalterno de biblioteca = library clerk, library page.
    * sucursal de biblioteca situada en un centro comercial = storefront library.
    * trabajo de información y de las bibliotecas = library and information work.
    * uso de la biblioteca = library use, library usage.
    * uso público en la propia biblioteca = in-library use.
    * usuario de la biblioteca = library user, library patron.
    * utilización de la biblioteca = library use, library usage.
    * visita guiada a la biblioteca = library tour, library orientation.
    * visitas a la biblioteca = library visits.
    * * *
    a) (institución, lugar) library

    biblioteca pública/de consulta — public/reference library

    b) ( colección) book collection
    c) ( mueble) bookshelves (pl), bookcase
    * * *
    = library, document collection.

    Ex: A library is no longer constrained to choose either a classified or a dictionary catalogue.

    Ex: Finally, the tacit assumption so far has been that we are dealing with a single document collection.
    * actuar en defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y bibliot = library advocacy.
    * alfabetización en el uso de la biblioteca = library literacy.
    * amante de la biblioteca = library lover.
    * Amigos de la Biblioteca = Friends of the Library.
    * ampliación de la biblioteca = library extension.
    * ansiedad provocada por la biblioteca = library anxiety.
    * ARL (Asociación de Bibliotecas de Investigación) = ARL (Association of Research Libraries).
    * asesor técnico de bibliotecas = library consultant.
    * asesor técnico en construcción de bibliotecas = library building consultant.
    * Asociación Americana de Bibliotecas de Teología = American Theological Library Association (ATLA).
    * Asociación de Bibliotecas Especializadas = Special Libraries Association (SLA).
    * automatización de bibliotecas = library automation.
    * auxiliar de biblioteca = library assistant, library technician, page, library aide, library orderly.
    * ayudante de biblioteca = assistant librarian.
    * basado en la biblioteca = library-based.
    * biblioteca académica = academic library.
    * biblioteca arzobispal = archiepiscopal library.
    * biblioteca asociada = affiliated library.
    * biblioteca biomédica = biomedical library.
    * biblioteca Bodliana, la = Bodleian, the.
    * Biblioteca Británica = British Library (BL).
    * biblioteca central = central library, main library.
    * biblioteca cibernética = cyberlibrary [cyber-library].
    * biblioteca como edificio = library building.
    * biblioteca comunitaria = community library.
    * biblioteca con préstamos interbibliotecarios netos = net-lender, net-borrower.
    * biblioteca con un solo bibliotecario = one person library.
    * biblioteca de acceso restringido = closed-stack library.
    * biblioteca de agricultura = agricultural library.
    * Biblioteca de Alejandría, la = Alexandria Library, the.
    * biblioteca de alquiler = rental library.
    * biblioteca de arqueología = archaeology library.
    * biblioteca de arte = art library.
    * biblioteca de asociación = society's library.
    * biblioteca de barco = shipboard library, ship library.
    * biblioteca de barrio = district library, community library.
    * biblioteca de biomedicina = health care library, biomedical library.
    * biblioteca de botánica = botany library.
    * biblioteca de campo de concentración = concentration camp library.
    * biblioteca de catedral = cathedral library.
    * biblioteca de centro penitenciario = prison library.
    * biblioteca de ciencias = science library.
    * biblioteca de ciencias de la salud = health sciences library, health library.
    * biblioteca de condado = county library.
    * biblioteca de conservatorio = conservatoire library.
    * biblioteca de copyright = copyright library.
    * biblioteca de departamento = department library.
    * biblioteca de depósito = deposit library.
    * biblioteca de depósito legal = copyright library, depository library.
    * biblioteca de derecho = law library.
    * biblioteca de diplomatura = undergraduate library.
    * biblioteca de distrito = district library.
    * biblioteca de empresa = commercial library, industrial library, corporate library, company library, business library.
    * biblioteca de farmacia = pharmaceutical library.
    * biblioteca de hospital = patient library, hospital library.
    * biblioteca de hospital clínico = teaching hospital library.
    * biblioteca de institución de enseñanza superior = tertiary library.
    * biblioteca de investigación = research library.
    * biblioteca de jardín de infancia = kindergarten library.
    * biblioteca de juzgado = court library.
    * biblioteca de la comunidad = community library.
    * biblioteca de la zona ártica = arctic library.
    * Biblioteca del Congreso (LC) = Library of Congress (LC).
    * biblioteca de libre acceso = open access library.
    * Biblioteca del Museo Británico = British Museum Library.
    * Biblioteca del Vaticano, la = Vatican Library, the.
    * biblioteca de medicina = medical library.
    * biblioteca de mezquita = mosque library.
    * biblioteca de minoría étnica = ethnic library.
    * biblioteca de misión = mission library.
    * biblioteca de música = music library.
    * biblioteca de pacientes = patient library.
    * biblioteca de parlamento = parliamentary library.
    * biblioteca departamental = departmental library.
    * biblioteca de periódico = news library.
    * biblioteca de préstamo = lending library, circulating library, circulation library.
    * biblioteca de prisión = prison library.
    * biblioteca de recursos = resource library.
    * biblioteca de referencia = reference library.
    * biblioteca de sindicato = trade union library, union library.
    * biblioteca de suscripción = subscription library.
    * biblioteca de universidad politécnica = polytechnic library.
    * biblioteca de vestuario = costume library.
    * biblioteca de veterinaria = veterinary library.
    * biblioteca de zona rural = rural library.
    * biblioteca digital = digital library (DL).
    * biblioteca ducal = ducal library.
    * biblioteca eclesiástica = ecclesiastical library, church library.
    * biblioteca electrónica = electronic library (e-library), library without walls.
    * biblioteca en red = network library.
    * biblioteca escolar = school library.
    * biblioteca especializada = special library, specialised library, specialist library.
    * biblioteca especializada en música = music library.
    * biblioteca especializada en temas polares = polar library.
    * biblioteca estatal = state library.
    * biblioteca física = physical library, brick and mortar library.
    * biblioteca general = central library, general library.
    * biblioteca gestionada por microordenador = microlibrary.
    * biblioteca gubernamental = government library.
    * biblioteca hermana = sister library.
    * biblioteca híbrida = hybrid library, brick and click library.
    * biblioteca industrial = factory library.
    * biblioteca infantil = children's library.
    * biblioteca juvenil = junior library.
    * biblioteca local = local library, home library.
    * biblioteca mantenida por las donaciones de una fundación = donor-endowed library.
    * biblioteca metropolitana = metropolitan library.
    * biblioteca miembro de una cooperativa = member library.
    * biblioteca ministerial = ministerial library.
    * biblioteca monástica = monastic library.
    * biblioteca móvil = bookmobile, mobile library, mobile.
    * biblioteca móvil en trailer = trailer library.
    * biblioteca multimedia = multimedia library.
    * biblioteca municipal = town library, city library, municipal library, urban library, community library.
    * biblioteca nacional = national library.
    * Biblioteca Nacional Central = National Central Library.
    * Biblioteca Nacional de Agricultura (NAL) = National Agricultural Library (NAL).
    * Biblioteca Nacional de Alemania = Deutsche Bibliothek.
    * Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina (NLM) = National Library of Medicine (NLM).
    * Biblioteca Nacional de Préstamo para la Ciencia y Tecnología (NLL) = National Lending Library for Science and Technology (NLL).
    * Biblioteca Nacional Francesa = Bibliotheque Nationale.
    * biblioteca para ciegos = library for the blind.
    * biblioteca para pacientes = hospital patient library, patients' library.
    * biblioteca parroquial = parochial library, parish library.
    * biblioteca personal = personal library, home collection, personal collection, home library.
    * biblioteca popular = popular library.
    * biblioteca presidencial = presidential library, presidential archive.
    * biblioteca principal = main library.
    * biblioteca privada = private library.
    * biblioteca provincial = provincial library centre.
    * biblioteca pública = public library, public library service.
    * Biblioteca Pública de Nueva York (NYPL) = NYPL (New York Public Library).
    * biblioteca pública municipal = municipal public library.
    * biblioteca pública provincial = provincial public library.
    * biblioteca quiosco = kiosk library.
    * biblioteca regional = regional library.
    * biblioteca religiosa = religious library.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca de agricultura = agricultural librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca de arte = art librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca de barrio = district librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca de derecho = law librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca de hospital = hospital librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca especializada = special librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca móvil = mobile librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca pública = public librarian.
    * bibliotecario de biblioteca sucursal = branch librarian.
    * biblioteca rural = rural library.
    * biblioteca sanitaria = health library.
    * biblioteca sin muros = library without walls.
    * biblioteca sin paredes = library without walls.
    * biblioteca sucursal = library branch, branch library, branch collection, library outlet.
    * biblioteca técnica = technical library.
    * biblioteca tradicional = brick and mortar library.
    * biblioteca tradicional y virtual = brick and click library.
    * biblioteca traditional = physical library.
    * biblioteca universitaria = college library, university library, research library.
    * biblioteca virtual = virtual library.
    * biblioteconomía especializada en las bibliotecas académica = college librarianship.
    * biblioteconomía especializada en las bibliotecas de investigación = research librianship.
    * biblioteconomía especializada en las bibliotecas universitarias = academic librarianship.
    * biblioteconomía para las bibliotecas de derecho = law librarianship.
    * biblioteconomía para las bibliotecas especializadas = special librarianship.
    * BLAISE (Servicio de Información Automatizada de la Biblioteca Británica) = BLAISE (British Library Automated Information Service).
    * carnet de biblioteca = library card.
    * catálogo de biblioteca = library catalogue.
    * Centro de Distribución de Documentos de la Biblioteca Británica (BLDSC) = British Library Document Supply Centre (BLDSC).
    * Coalición Internacional de Consorcios de Bibliotecas (ICOLC) = International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC).
    * colección de la biblioteca = library collection [library's collection].
    * colección de una biblioteca = local holding.
    * comisión de biblioteca = library board, library committee.
    * con conocimiento básico en el uso de la biblioteca = library literate [library-literate].
    * Conferencia de Directores de Bibliotecas Nacionales (CDNL) = Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL).
    * conocimientos básicos sobre el uso de las bibliotecas = library skills.
    * consejo de administración de la biblioteca = library trustees.
    * consorcio de bibliotecas = library consortium.
    * cooperativa de bibliotecas = library cooperative.
    * datos estadísticos de la biblioteca = library records, library statistics.
    * defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y bibliotecarios = library advocacy.
    * destreza en la búsqueda de información en una biblioteca = library research skills.
    * dirección de la biblioteca = library administrators.
    * dirección de la biblioteca, la = library administration, the.
    * director de biblioteca = library director.
    * director de la biblioteca = head librarian.
    * División de Préstamo de la Biblioteca Británica (BLLD) = British Library Lending Division (BLLD).
    * División de Servicios Bibliográficos de la Biblioteca Británica (BLBSD) = British Library Bibliographic Services Division (BLBSD).
    * dotación económica de las bibliotecas = library funding.
    * dotar de fondos a una biblioteca = stock + library.
    * edición para bibliotecas = library edition.
    * eficacia de la biblioteca = library goodness.
    * encontrar trabajo en una biblioteca = join + library.
    * encuadernación de biblioteca = library binding.
    * encuadernador de la biblioteca = library binder.
    * encuentro de bibliotecas móviles = mobile meet.
    * entre varias bibliotecas = cross-library.
    * especialista en bibliotecas = library specialist.
    * especialización en bibliotecas de prisiones = prison librarianship.
    * específico a la biblioteca = library-specific.
    * específico de la biblioteca = library-specific.
    * estadísticas de la biblioteca = library statistics.
    * estudio de usuarios de la biblioteca = library user study.
    * experiencia en bibliotecas = library experience.
    * facultativos de bibliotecas = library faculty.
    * feria de la biblioteca = library fair.
    * fondos de la biblioteca = library's stock, library materials.
    * formación en el uso de la biblioteca = library literacy.
    * función de la biblioteca = library's function.
    * gestión de la biblioteca = library management.
    * guía de biblioteca = library guide, library guiding.
    * hacerse socio de la biblioteca = join + library.
    * hecho por la propia biblioteca = in-house [inhouse].
    * hermanamiento de bibliotecas = library twinning.
    * historia de las bibliotecas = library history.
    * IFLA (Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Bibliotecarios y Bibliotec = IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions).
    * imagen de la biblioteca = library's profile.
    * información de existencias por bibliotecas = local holdings information.
    * jefe de personal de la biblioteca = library personnel officer.
    * La Biblioteca Responde = Ask the Library.
    * la Biblioteca y el Archivo de Canadá = Library and Archives Canada.
    * LCCN (Notación de la Clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCCN (Library of Congress Classification Number).
    * LCSH (Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCSH (Library of Congress List of Subject Headings).
    * lector de una biblioteca = library user.
    * legislación sobre bibliotecas = library law.
    * ley de bibliotecas = library law.
    * ley de bibliotecas, la = library act, the.
    * libro de la biblioteca = library book.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas Escolar = SLA List.
    * LRTS (Servicios Técnicos y de Recursos para la Biblioteca) = LRTS (Library Resources and Technical Services).
    * mapa de la biblioteca = library map.
    * MARC de la Biblioteca del Congreso = LC MARC.
    * Matica Slovenca (Biblioteca Nacional de Yugoslavia) = Matica Slovenska.
    * misión de la biblioteca = library's mission.
    * mundo de las bibliotecas, el = library world, the.
    * ordenanza de biblioteca = page.
    * organismo gestor de bibliotecas = library authority.
    * órgano encargado de bibliotecas = library authority.
    * perfil de la biblioteca = library profile.
    * personal de la biblioteca = library staff, library worker.
    * persona que utiliza la biblioteca = non-library user.
    * pertinente a las bibliotecas = library-related.
    * política de la biblioteca = library's policy.
    * prioridad de la biblioteca = library's priority.
    * profesional de la biblioteca = library professional.
    * profesional de las bibliotecas y la información = library and information professional.
    * profesionales de las bibliotecas y la información, los = library and information profession, the.
    * profesor encargado de la biblioteca = teacher-librarian.
    * programa de introducción a la biblioteca = library training programme.
    * programa integrado de gestión de bibliotecas = integrated library system (ILS), integrated library management system (ILMS).
    * programas de automatización de bibliotecas = library automation software.
    * proveedor de bibliotecas = library supplier.
    * Proyecto Cooperativo de Mecanización de las Bibliotecas de Birmingham (BLCMP = Birminghan Libraries Cooperative Mechanisation Project (BLCMP).
    * quiosco biblioteca = library kiosk.
    * ratón de biblioteca = bookish, bookworm.
    * red cooperativa de bibliotecas = cooperative network.
    * red de bibliotecas = library network, library system, library networking.
    * Red Informativa de las Bibliotecas de Investigación en USA = RLIN.
    * Reglas de Intercalación de la Biblioteca del Congreso = Library of Congress Filing Rules.
    * relacionado con las bibliotecas = library-related.
    * responsable de bibliotecas = library official.
    * responsable de la biblioteca = library manager.
    * responsable del personal de la biblioteca = library personnel officer.
    * reunión de bibliotecas móviles = mobilemeet.
    * RLG (Grupo de Bibliotecas de Investigación) = RLG (Research Libraries Group).
    * SCONUL (Sociedad de Bibliotecas Nacionales y Universitarias) = SCONUL (Society of College, National and University Libraries).
    * sección de la biblioteca = library section.
    * sello de la biblioteca = library stamp.
    * ser lector de una biblioteca = library membership.
    * sistema automatizado de bibliotecas = automated library information system, library computer system.
    * sistema bibliotecario de bibliotecas de un sólo tipo = single-type library system.
    * sistema bibliotecario de bibliotecas de varios tipos = multitype library system.
    * sistema de automatización de bibliotecas = library automation system.
    * sistema de bibliotecas públicas = public library system.
    * sistema de clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso = LCC (Library of Congress Classification).
    * subalterno de biblioteca = library clerk, library page.
    * sucursal de biblioteca situada en un centro comercial = storefront library.
    * trabajo de información y de las bibliotecas = library and information work.
    * uso de la biblioteca = library use, library usage.
    * uso público en la propia biblioteca = in-library use.
    * usuario de la biblioteca = library user, library patron.
    * utilización de la biblioteca = library use, library usage.
    * visita guiada a la biblioteca = library tour, library orientation.
    * visitas a la biblioteca = library visits.

    * * *
    1 (institución, lugar) library
    biblioteca universitaria/pública university/public library
    biblioteca de consulta reference library
    biblioteca ambulante or móvil mobile library
    biblioteca circulante mobile library
    biblioteca de componentes visuales ( Inf) visual component library, VCL
    ratón2 (↑ ratón (2))
    2 (colección) collection
    3 (mueble) bookshelves (pl), bookcase
    * * *


    biblioteca sustantivo femenino
    a) (institución, lugar) library;

    biblioteca pública/de consulta public/reference library

    biblioteca sustantivo femenino library
    biblioteca pública, public library
    ' biblioteca' also found in these entries:
    - cerca
    - conservador
    - conservadora
    - descuidarse
    - laguna
    - pertenecer
    - pública
    - público
    - ratón
    - albergar
    - ambulante
    - carné
    - celador
    - consulta
    - curiosear
    - bookworm
    - library
    - microfilm
    - mobile library
    - monastery
    - public library
    - reference library
    - sign out
    - addition
    - be
    - book
    - down
    - peace
    - reference
    * * *
    1. [lugar] library
    biblioteca ambulante mobile library;
    biblioteca de consulta reference library;
    biblioteca de préstamo lending library;
    biblioteca pública public library
    2. [conjunto de libros] library
    3. Chile, Perú, RP [mueble] bookcase
    * * *
    1 library
    2 mueble bookcase
    * * *
    : library
    * * *
    1. (edificio, conjunto de libros) library [pl. libraries]
    2. (mueble) bookcase

    Spanish-English dictionary > biblioteca

  • 3 Kennedy, Sir Alexander Blackie William

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 17 March 1847 Stepney, London, England d. 1928
    English marine engineer and educator.
    Sir Alexander Kennedy was trained as a marine engineer. The son of a Congregational minister, he was educated at the City of London School and the School of Mines, Jermyn Street. He was then apprenticed to J. \& W.Dudgeon of Millwall, marine engineers, and went on to become a draughtsman to Sir Charles Marsh Palmer of Jarrow (with whom he took part in the development of the compound steam-engine for marine use) and T.M.Tennant \& Co. of Leith. In 1874 he was appointed Professor of Engineering at University College, London. He built up an influential School of Engineering, being the first in England to integrate laboratory work as a regular feature of instruction. The engineering laboratory that he established in 1878 has been described as "the first of its kind in England" (Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers). He and his students conducted important experiments on the strength and elasticity of materials, boiler testing and related subjects. He followed the teaching of Franz Reuleaux, whose Kinematics of Machinery he translated from the German.
    While thus breaking new educational ground at University College, Kennedy concurrently established a very thriving private practice as a consulting engineer in partnership with Bernard Maxwell Jenkin (the son of Fleeming Jenkin), to pursue which he relinquished his academic posts in 1889. He planned and installed the whole electricity system for the Westminster Electric Supply Corporation, and other electricity companies. He was also heavily involved in the development of electrically powered transport systems. During the First World War he served on a panel of the Munitions Invention Department, and after the war he undertook to record photographically the scenes of desolation in his book From Ypres to Verdun (1921). Towards the end of his life, he pursued his interest in archaeology with the exploration of Petra, recorded in a monograph: Petra. Its History and Monuments (1925). He also joined the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1879, becoming the President of that body in 1894, and he joined the Institution of Electrical Engineers in 1890. Kennedy was thus something of an engineering polymath, as well as being an outstanding engineering educationalist.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1887. Knighted 1905. Member, Institution of Civil Engineers 1879; President, 1906. President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1894.
    1921, From Ypresto Verdum.
    1925, Petra. Its History and Monuments.
    Further Reading
    DNB supplement.

    Biographical history of technology > Kennedy, Sir Alexander Blackie William

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